Les fissures de peau n’ont jamais été aussi belles… Voyez par vous-mêmes !

Sara Shakeel est une artiste devenue populaire sur Instagram grâce à des collages très originaux.
Elle fait aujourd’hui reparler d’elle avec des œuvres uniques : elle couvre les vergetures de paillettes, diamants ou d’images de galaxie pour les sublimer.


I have never felt so powerful & liberated and so fucking proud of mystretch marks in my entire life !!! From where I come from & live , To be on the chubby side or to even talk about stretchmarks is not something one is proud of, i have seen my stretch marks grow from the day i started putting on weight, I’d be honest even before uploading it I was thinking why would anyone be interested in my concept of stretch marks turned into glitter or crystals!!! My god I was so wrong! Amazing people and women are already doing such an amazing job with representing these stripes and cellulite!!! Thank you for a beautiful response everyone!!!! I have been featured on @cosmopolitan & @yahoostylebeauty link is in my story. Support and love yourself for who ever you are! Cause there is someone out there sharing the same feelings as you are! There is one thing for sure YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! ???????????????????????? #glitterstretchmarks #stretchmarks #happy #inlove #loveyourself #theweekoninstagram #instagram #tigerstripes . . This picture is by one of my amazing followers who was brave enough to share this with me!! Thank you love!!!!

Une publication partagée par Sara Shakeel (@sarashakeel) le 31 Oct. 2017 à 13h56 PDT

Transformées en fissures dorées, argentées ou bleu nuit, ces stretch marks subliment le corps des femmes et nous incite même à les aimer. Grâce à ce travail, cette ancienne dentiste révèle la beauté de nos vergetures qu’on tente tant de cacher.
Ça en a même inspiré certaines :


My biggest struggle to self love and body positivity. I find it easier to love my cellulite, my jiggle, my rolls. My stretch marks are the biggest set back. I’m really pale, they’re really purple, so they stand out like a sore thumb. I have the confidence in my body shape and size to walk tall and potentially display my tummy. But my stretch marks make me hesitate. ???? Why are we so repulsed by stretch marks? We start as tiny babies so of course our skin has to stretch as we grow. We have no control over it. Our breasts grow as we hit puberty, another thing we can’t control. Hips fill out, tummies get big with pregnancy. We have no control over these changes to our bodies. I wonder who first decided stretch marks were an ugly thing. They’re a result of growth. Whether of ourselves or another person. A reminder of how far you’ve come in life. Its truly a beautiful thing. Embrace your rainbow stripes ???? ???? I am a work in progress and I will not punish myself for that. I love myself so much more than I did yesterday, and I will love myself more tomorrow. #glitterstripes #rainbowstripes #stretchmarks #embraceyourbody #killinglola #bingeeatingdisorder #bingeeatingrecovery #bingeeatingawareness #edwarrior #edrecovery #bopowarrior #bigandblunt #bigandbeautiful #mybadassbody #effyourbeautystandards #effyourbodystandards #imnomodeleither #honormycurves #allbodiesaregoodbodies #allbodiesarebeautiful #lovetheskinyourein #bodypositive #bodypositivity #beautywithplus #plusisequal @zinteta

Une publication partagée par Mia (@_bellamorte_) le 18 Août 2017 à 6h40 PDT

On serait presque tentées de se pailleter les vergetures lors d’un festival cet été ! Ça vous donne envie d’essayer ?
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